Seamless, 2017

Theo Triantafyllidis

Sound by Diego Navarro

Live Simulation

3x HD Displays, Gaming PC

The difference between nature and landscape is the presence of humans. Here, the ideas of nature and technology are documented in the form of an ongoing dialogue - What is nature and what is technology in the absence of human intention and intervention? How would entropy work if suddenly all humanity were to disappear from the face of the earth, but all of its technological infrastructure were left to run its course unsupervised? How would the technological relics begin a conversation with natural networks and what new economies of survival would emerge. This is a story of underlying forces that shape what we perceive as our environment, intact or constructed. A story of alien invasive species, highjacking the e-commerce infrastructure of amazon and ebay to sprawl around the planet. Concealed, amorphous and abstracted organisms, trying to trick the all-seeing algorithms of machine vision, manufacturing mechanisms to survive and dominate over land and other critters. It is nature adapting to fight the threat of an AI singularity, and the Singularity trying to understand and map the vast network of Gaia and come to a mutual agreement on managing the planet's resources while engaging in a dual game of mimicking behaviors that addle the boundaries between natural and artificial.  This story is told through a mysterious eye that traverses the landscape, observing it with the curiosity of an explorer. Sometimes zooming back as if it is all-knowing and sometimes going into near-erotic detail. It sees, cuts, deconstructs  and retopologizes the ever changing terrain and its ‘inhabitants’, creating a dual simultaneous perception, becoming a kind of an ‘animal’ itself but unfamiliar to others.