ALPHABET No.1, 2024

People You Should Know: Video Game Artists
by Hans Ulrich Obrist

ALPHABET No.1, 2024

Theo Triantafyllidis

The visual language used in Theo Triantafyllidis’s work is familiar to many from mainstream games. Such tropes are also present in some of his characters, which reoccur in his works, like the Orc avatar in the game Pastoral, shown in WORLDBUILDING. But unlike the mainstream games, Triantafyllidis’s work is not a sensorily overloaded action game. Instead, it presents a refective and observational space in which the player can imagine the stories that might take place in the environments encountered. This uncanny, almost secretive approach to games can give the artist’s work an absurd and poetic feel. Triantafyllidis explained that he has “quite a few projects. As they are so time-consuming to make, I have to be very picky about what gets realized and when. I do have an ambitious idea for an online multiplayer game that I am planning to tackle next.”